Faculty of Dental Sciences > Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery > Research & Publication
Prof S Mohammad
UPCST funded research project on A Study on Characterization of Mitochondrial DNA alterations and their potential use as an early disease biomarker in Oral Cancer and Precancer.
ICMR funded research project on Collection, Isolation and characterization of Human Dental Pulp derived mesenchymal stem cells for banking and clinical use : A Pilot study
ICMR funded research project on "Therapeutic Intervention in OSMF - An experimental study."
Prof. Divya Mehrotra
Agarwal P, Mehrotra D, Kumar S, Pandey R, Agarwal R. Pattern of Maxillofacial Trauma in Uttar Pradesh. J Craniofac Trauma
Howlader D, Mehrotra D. A novel step osteotomy for correction of Hemifacial Microsomia - a case report. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2016; 6 (3),
Mehrotra D. Plagiarism in dentistry. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2016; 6 (2), 1
Mehrotra D, Vishwakarma K, Chellapa AL, Mahajan N. Pre-arthroplasty simultaneous maxillomandibular distraction osteogenesis for the correction of post-ankylotic dentofacial deformities. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016, 45 (7) 820-827.
Azad N, Maurya MK, Kar M, Goel MM, Singh AK, Sagar M, Mehrotra D. Expression of GLUT-1 in oral squamous cell carcinoma in tobacco and non-tobacco users. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2016; 6 (1) 25-31.
Mehrotra D. Impact factors and its relevance in dentistry. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2016; 6 (1), 1.

Kumar S, Mehrotra D, Mishra S, Goel MM, Kumar S, Mathur P, Choudhary K, Pandey CM. Epidemiology of substance abuse in the population of Lucknow, J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2015; 5 (3):128-133.
Mehrotra D. Mobilizing action and inspiring change in quality of life of our patients. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2015; 5 (3):127.
Singh SV, Gautam R, Masumi Shin-ichi , Padmanabhan TV, Mehrotra D, Makihara E , Singh SK . Prosthetic and surgical rehabilitation of a cleidocranial dysplasia patient with magnet-retained overlay removable partial dentures. Int J Stomatol Occl Med 2015; 8 (3), 70-77
Mehrotra D, Agarwal GG, Kumar S, Shukla A, Asthana A. Development and Validation of a Questionnaire to Evaluate Association of Tobacco Abuse With Oral Submucous Fibrosis, Asia Pac J Public Health. 2015; 27(2):132-42. Impact Factor: 1.459 Cited by 4
Chellapa AL, Mehrotra D, Vishwakarma K, Mahajan N, Bhutia DP. Pre-arthroplastic and simultaneous mandibular distraction for correction of facial deformity in temporomandibular joint ankylosis. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2015; 5 (3):153-60.
D Bhutia, S Mohammad, D Mehrotra, V Singh, G Singh, S Singh. Post gap arthroplasty transport distraction osteogenesis for reconstruction of neocondyle. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2015; 44, e39.
Mehrotra D. Nano-science and dentistry. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2015; 5(1), 1.
Mehrotra D. Genomic Expression in Non Syndromic Cleft Lip and palate patients: A Review. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2015; 5(2), 86-91.
Daga D, Mehrotra D, Mohammad S, Singh G, Natu SM. Tent pole Technique for bone regeneration in vertically deficient alveolar ridges. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2015; 5(2): 92-7.
16. Mehrotra D, Kumar S, Kumar S, Pandey CM, Mishra S. Association Of Oral Precancer With Non Tobacco Areca Nut Consumption. Asia-Pac J Clin Oncol 12/2014; 10:16-16. 1.06 Impact Factor
Mehrotra D. Dentistry: Changing paradigm with growth of basic sciences. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2014; 4 (3), 159.
Pandey R, Mehrotra D, Kowtal P, Mahdi AA, Sarin R. Mitochondrial DNA from archived tissue samples kept in formalin for forensic odontology studies. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2014; 4 (2), 109-113.
Singh S, Mehrotra D, Mohammad S. Profile changes after conventional and chin shield genioplasty. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2014; 4 (2), 70- 5. Cited by 1
Mehrotra D. Oral sciences: History and future research. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2014; 4 (2), 69.
Pandey R, Mehrotra D, Mahdi AA, Sarin R, Kowtal P. Additional cytosine inside mitochondrial C-tract D-loop as a progression risk factor in oral precancer cases. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res, 2014; 4, (1), 3-7.
Singh GP, Verma SL, Tandon P, Mehrotra D. Increased fronto-nasal angle and surface area of mandibular antegonial notch; reliable signs of Treacher Collins syndrome. J Cleft Lip Pal Craniofac Anomalies 2014; 1 (1), 65-9
Bhatt MLB, Srivastava VK, Mishra DP, Goel MM, Mehrotra D, Srivastava K, Garg RK. Significance of plasma osteopontin (OPN) as a biomarker in squamous cell carcinoma of tongue. J Clin Oncol 31, 2013 (suppl; e17020) Cited by 7. Impact factor 17.960
Nayak S, Goel MM, Bhatia V, Chandra S, Makker A, Kumar S, Agrawal SP, Mehrotra D, Rath SK. Molecular and phenotypic expression of decorin as modulator of angiogenesis in human potentially malignant oral lesions and oral squamous cell carcinomas. Ind J Pathol Microbiol, 2013; 56 (3), 204- 10. Cited by 2.
Mehrotra D. TMJ Disorders. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2013; 3 (3), 111. Cited by 3.
Mehrotra D. TMJ Bioengineering: A Review. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res, 2013; 3 (3), 140-145. Cited by 1
Pandey R, Mehrotra D, Mahdi AA, Sarin R, Kowtal P, Maurya SS, Parmar D. Association between Mitochondrial C tract Alteration and tobacco exposure in Oral Precancer Cases. Nat J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2013;4(2): 219-24. Impact factor 0.9. Cited by 1.
Passi D, Pal US, Mohd S, Singh RK, Mehrotra D et al. Laser Vs Bur for bone cutting in impacted mandibular third molar surgery: A randomized controlled trial. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res, 2013; 3 (2), 57-62 Cited by 2
Mehrotra D, Kumar S, Agarwal GG , Asthana A , Kumar S. Odds ratio of risk factors for oral submucous fibrosis in a case control model. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2013, 51, e 169- 73. Impact factor 2.717. Cited by 4. best paper prize Research showcase 2013
Gupta C, Mehrotra D, Mohammad S et al. Alveolar bone graft with platelet rich plasma in cleft alveolus. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2013; 3 (1) 3-8. Cited by 1
Kumar V, Mehrotra D, Mohd S et al. Anchor lag screw vs conventional lag screw in mandibular fractures: A series of 30 cases. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res; 2013; 3 (1), 15-19. Cited by 3
Mehrotra D. Advances in maxillofacial trauma management. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2013; 3 (2), 49
Sinha VP, Pradhan H, Gupta H, Mohammad S, Singh RK, Mehrotra D, Pant MC, Pradhan R. Efficacy of plain radiographs, CT scan, MRI and ultra sonography in temporomandibular joint disorders. Nat J maxillofac surg 2012; 3 (1), 2. Cited by 7. Impact factor 0.9.
Pal US, Sharma NK, Singh RK, Mahammad S, Mehrotra D, Singh N, Mandhyan D. Direct vs. indirect sinus lift procedure: A comparison. Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2012 ;3(1):31-7 Cited by 18. Impact factor 0.9.
Mehrotra D, Chellappa AL, Gupta C, Passi D. Reconstruction of ramus-condyle unit with transport distraction osteogenesis: Report of eight cases and review of literature. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2012; 2 ( 3), 144-8. Cited by 4
Gupta VK, Mehrotra D, Malhotra S, Kumar S, Agarwal GG, Pal US. An epidemiological study of temporomandibular joint ankylosis. Natl J Maxillofac Surg 2012;3:25-30. Cited by 5
Singh S, Mehrotra D, Gupta C. Wide alveolar cleft and mid face distraction: Report of a case. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2012; 2 ( 2), 123-5. Cited by 2
Mehrotra D, Kumar S, Dhasmana S. Hydroxyapatite/Collagen block with Platelet Rich Plasma in Temporomandibular ankylosis. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2012; 50, 8, 774-8. Cited by 9. Impact factor 2.717. best paper prize Research showcase 2012
Nayak S, Goel MM, Chandra S, Bhatia V, Mehrotra D, Kumar S, Makker A, Rath SK, Agrawal SP. VEGF-A Immunohistochemical and mRNA Expression in Tissues and its Serum levels in Potentially Malignant Oral Lesions and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas. Oral Oncol. 2012; 48(3): 233-9. Impact factor 3.056. Cited by 15
Passi D, Mohammad S, Mehrotra D. Study of morphological changes in condyle with duration of TMJ ankylosis, Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012; 50,S 21. Impact factor 2.717 Cited by 2
Pandey R, Mehrotra D, Catapano C, Choubey V, Sarin R, Mahdi AA, Singh S. Association of mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid mutation with polymorphism in CYP2E1 gene in 4 oral carcinogenesis. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2012; 2 (1), 4-9. Cited by 1
Shukla A, Singh SV, Kumar S, Mehrotra D, Mohammad S, Singh S. Alveolar ridge augmentation using distraction osteogenesis: a clinical trial. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2012; 2 ( 1), 25-29. Cited by 1
A Ayoub, VP Sinha, H Pradhan, H Gupta, S Mohammad, RK Singh, D Mehrotra, MC Pant. Innovation in the reconstruction of orofacial region: Challenges and opportunities. Nat J maxillofac surg 2012; 3 (1), 1. Impact factor 0.9. Cited by 1
Nayak S, Chandra S, Mehrotra D, Kumar S, Agrawal SP, Kumar S, Goel MM. Effect of tobacco, alcohol, and smoking habits in oral precancer with histological proven epithelial dysplasia. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2012; 2 ( 3), 159-162.
Mehrotra D, Goel MM, Kumar S, Pandey R, Ram H. Oral verrucous lesions: Controversies in diagnosis and management. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2012; 2 ( 3), 163-169. Cited by 1.
Agarwal A, Mehrotra D, Mohammad S, Singh RK, Kumar S, Pal US. Randomized clinical trial of non vascularised fibular and iliac crest graft for mandibular reconstruction. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2012; 2 ( 2), 90-96.
Mehrotra D. Prearthroplasty mandibular distraction vs simultaneous distraction with TMJ arthroplasty. What should be the treatment protocol? Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012; 50, S 8-9. Impact factor 2.717
Singhal R, Kumar S, Rastogi P, Mehrotra D. Role of Periosteal Pedicle Graft as an Autogenous Guided Tissue Membrane in Periodontal Regeneration: An Ethical Perspective. Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 2012; 3 (1-3).
Pandey R, Mehrotra D, Kumar S, Mahdi AA, Sarin R. Mitochondrial DNA damage as a biomarker for exposure to tobacco in oral precancer, Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012; 50, S 25-26. Impact factor 2.717
Kumar S, Mehrotra D. Tobaccoless pan masala as risk factor for oral pre cancer, Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012; 50, S 26. Impact factor 2.717
Mehrotra D, Singh SV, Shukla A. Vertical Alveolar distraction in reconstructed or resorbed mandible, Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012; 50, S40-41. Impact factor 2.717
Pandey R, Mehrotra D, Kumar S, Chaubey VK, Mahdi AA, Sarin R. An epidemiological study on relationship between socioeconomic status, tobacco consumption habits and age of appearance of oral premalignancy in India. Oral Oncol 2011; 4751, S10. Impact factor 3.056.
Gupta S, Tandon A, Mehrotra D, Gupta OP. Amoeloblastic fibroma: 3 case reports with review of literature. Int J Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2011; 2(3) Cited by 6
D Mehrotra, A Kesarwani, Nandlal. Cherubism and review of literature, J Maxillofac Oral Surg 2011; 10 (1) , 64-67. Cited by 11
D Mehrotra, S Dhasmana, M Kamboj, G Gambhir. Condylar Hyperplasia and facial asymmetry: report of 5 cases, J Maxillofac Oral Surg 2011; 10 (1), 50-54 Cited by 19
Mehrotra D, Pradhan R, Mohammad S, Kumar S. Complications associated with different surgical modalities for management of temporomandibular ankylosis in a series of 791 cases. Asian J Oral Max Surg 2011; 23, 122-27.Cited by 4
Singh S, Kumar S, Pandey R, Passi D, Mehrotra D, Mohammad S. Dimensional differences in mandibular antegonial notches in temporomandibular joint ankylosis; J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2011; 1 (1), 7-11.
D Mehrotra, Mahdi Hasan, Rahul Pandey, Sumit Kumar. Clinical Spectrum of Treacher Collins Syndrome. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2011; 1 (1), 36-40. Cited by 2
Kumar S, Mehrotra D. A case control study to evaluate the association of areca-nut and tobacco abuse and oral precancerous lesions in North Indian population. J Epidemiol Comm Health 2011; 65: (Suppl 1), A123-A123
Gupta S, Garg KN, Mehrotra D, Gupta OP. Natal Teeth: A Clinical Report. Asian J Oral Health Allied Sc 2011; 1 (3), 205
61. Katiyar R, Singh GK, Mehrotra D, Singh A. Surgical-orthodontic treatment of a skeletal I class III malocclusion. Nat J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2010; 1 (2) 143-149. Cited by 3. Impact factor 0.9
Mehrotra D, Pradhan R. Cleft Lip: Our Experience in repair. J Maxillofac Oral Surg 2010; 9 (1), 57-59. Cited by 4
Mehrotra D, Dhasmana S, Kumar S. Management of temporomandibular ankylosis with temporal fascia interposition arthroplasty and distraction osteogenesis: report of 30 cases. J long term effects of Medical implants 2009; 19 (2): 139-48. Impact factor 0.684 Cited by 5
Mehrotra D, Kumar S, Pradhan R. Mandibular reconstruction after resection of benign tumours using non-vascularized methods in a series of patients that did not undergo radiotherapy. J Oral Surgery 2009; 2 (1); 10-18. Impact factor 1.37
Pradhan R, Mehrotra D, Gupta H, Pradhan G, Pradhan H. Our experience with various interposition materials in temporomandibular joint ankylosis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009; 38 (5), 517-8. Impact factor 1.359
Chaudhary A, Wakhlu A, Mittal N, Misra S, Mehrotra D, Wakhlu AK. Melanotic Neuroectodermal Tumor of Infancy: 2 Decades of Clinical Experience With 18 Patients, J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2009; 67,( 1), 47-51. Impact factor 1.64. Eigenfactor 0.01822. Cited by 19
Mehrotra D, Pradhan R, Gupta S. Retrospective comparison of Surgical modalities in 100 patients of oral submucous fibrosis, J Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Oral Surg Endod, 2009; 107, (3) e1-e10. Impact factor 1.815. Eigenfactor Score: 0.01615 .Cited by 55. best paper prize in Research showcase 2009 and Dental Public Health Award, 2009.
Gupta S, Mehrotra D. Ewing's Sarcoma Of Maxilla: Report Of A Case: Quin Int 2009; 40 (2): 135-140. Impact factor 0.728 Cited by 14
D Mehrotra, A Tripathi, S Gupta, A Shukla, S Kumar. Cherubism: what are the treatment options. Nat J Maxillofac Surg 2009; 1; 73-76. Impact factor 0.9
Mehrotra D, Pradhan R, Mohammad S, Jaiswara C. Random control trial of dermis-fat graft and interposition of temporalis fascia in the management of temporomandibular ankylosis in children. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2008; 46 (7), 521-6. Impact Factor 2.717 Cited by 34
Mehrotra D, Pradhan. R Surgical management of oral sub mucous fibrosis, Br J Oral and Maxillofac Surg 2008; 46, (7), e44. Impact Factor 2.717
Mehrotra D, Kamboj M. Recurrent Odontogenic Myxofibroma of the Mandible in a 12 Year Old: An Illustrative Case Report. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2008; 32 (4): 309-312. Cited by 7.
Mehrotra D, Pradhan R. Orbital Floor Reconstruction: Our Experiences With Acrylic Implants; J Maxillofac Oral Surg 2008; 7( 1), 190-192.
Mehrotra D, Pradhan R, Mohammad S. Management of temporomandibular joint ankylosis: Lucknow experience. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007; 45 (7), e63. Impact Factor 2.717
Mehrotra D, Pradhan R, Das SK. Comparison of Piroxicam, Colchicine & Combination of Chondroitin Sulfate & Glucosamine In Temporo Mandibular Joint Pain: A Double Blind Study: J Maxillofac Oral Surg 2007; 6( 3), 19-23, 2007
Mehrotra D, Gupta OP, Gupta S. Reconstruction of Large Mandibular Defects Postmandibulectomy For Benign Tumours Using Titanium Reconstruction Plates And Iliac Crest Graft: J Maxillofac Oral Surg 2007; 6 (1), 21-24.

Singh SV, Ahmed N, Mehrotra D. Prosthodontic rehabilitation of a maxillofacial gunshot injury patient. Clinical Dentistry 2012; 6; 13-16.
Mehrotra D. Review of reconstruction options for large mandibular defects. Ind J Dental Science Research 2012; 30 (1)
Gupta S, Mehrotra D, Kavita, Gupta OP. Maxillary double lip: A review of two case reports. Ind J Dental Science Research 2011; 29,4, 192-4
Mehrotra D, Ahmed A, Mohammad S, Gambhir S, Shukla A, Kumar S. Randomized control trial of platelet rich plasma and tri-calcium phosphate in cystic maxillofacial defects Ind J Dent Sci Res 2011; 29(2).
Naik A, Mehrotra D, Mohammad S, Gambhir S. Role of scintigraphy in assessment of bone healing using platelet rich plasma with tricalcium phosphate in maxillofacial defects : J Ind Den Asso, 2011, 5 (2), 282-284.
Afroz S, Singh SV, Mehrotra D, Chand P. Prosthodontic rehabilitation after segmental mandibulectomy. J Ind Den Asso, 2009, 3 (8)
Mehrotra D, Gupta A, Shukla A, Kumar S. Porous high density polyethylene for facial reconstruction. Souvenir, 49th Annual conference National Academy of Medical Sciences, NAMSCON 2009, 137-40.
Mehrotra D, Singh SV, Ahmed N. Dental implant supported maxillofacial prosthesis for maxillary gunshot dento-alveolar defect, J Physiology, March 2009.
Mehrotra D, Kamboj M. Recurrent Odontogenic Myxofibroma of the mandible in a 12 year old: An Illustrative Case Report. J Clin Ped Den 2008; 32 (4), 309-312. Cited by 1
Mehrotra D, Tandon RK, Gupta S, Nandlal, Gupta OP. A Rare Case Of Aglossia: Journal of Ind Den Asso, 2( 2), 40-41, 2008.
Mehrotra D, Shukla A. Review of literature with case report of recurrent follicular amoeloblastoma: an urge for prompt diagnosis and astute treatment planning. J Clin Den, 2 (8), 45- 51, 2008
Nandlal, Mehrotra D, Narayan H. An Intriguing Case Of Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis As The Only Manifestation Of Pancytopenia - A Case Report : J Ind Den Asso. 2 (4), 88-90, 2008.
Nandlal, Mehrotra D, Thakur R. Median Mandibular Cyst & Osteogenetic Potential of Gelfoam J Ind Den Ass, 1(9),105-107, 2007 (ISSN 1004)
Mehrotra D, Pradhan R, Mohammad S, Singh RK, Tewari A, Singh S, Pradhan KL. Distraction Osteogenesis in Maxillofacial Deformities, Ind J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 16( 2), 10-13, 2001.
Mehrotra D, Bhargav A, Pradhan R, Mohammad S, Singh RK. Use of Buccal Fat Pad for Reconstruction in Maxillofacial Surgery, Ind J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 16( 1), 7-11, 2001.
Mehrotra D, Pradhan R. Modern Trends in the management of Maxillofacial Trauma, JIDA,1998
Mehrotra D, Pradhan R. Nerve involvement in Zygomatic Complex Fractures, Ind J Oral Maxillofac Surg, Xiii( 2), 1998.
Mehrotra D, Pradhan R. Software Programming for Zygomatic Fractures, Satellite 1( 2), 1995.
Articles Sent for publication and under process:
D Mehrotra, Nitin, Kuldeep. Mandibular reconstruction using combination of particulate bone graft and hydroxyapatite, platelet rich plasma, graft and titanium mesh. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res
D Mehrotra, Nitin, Kuldeep. Comparison of bovine bone bio-oss and osstem TCP for direct sinus lift procedures
D Mehrotra, Deepak, A Chellapa, K Vishwakarma. Advances in temporomandibular joint reconstruction in TMJ ankylosis : Our experiences and literature review. J Dentistry
D Mehrotra, S Kumar, I Farooqi, S Kumar. Epidemiological study on tobacco and non tobacco consumption in 450,000 people of Lucknow. Tobacco Control.
D Mehrotra, S Kumar, K Chawdhary, S Kumar. Comparison of two data collection modalities: OMR based printed case sheets and software based on laptops. J Cancer Res
D Mehrotra, S Kumar. Epidemiological study on oral precancer in 450,000 people of Lucknow. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg
D Mehrotra, S Kumar. Oral Submucous Fibrosis: Epidemiology & Risk factors. OOO
D Mehrotra, S Kumar. Oral Leukoplakia: Epidemiology & Risk factors. J Oral Maxillofac Surg
D Mehrotra, S Kumar. Oral Lichen Planus: Epidemiology & Risk factors. J Dentistry
D Mehrotra, S Kumar. Multiplanar Distractor and correction of facial deformity. JOBCR
D Mehrotra, S Kumar. Correction of facial asymmetry using distraction osteogenesis. JOMS
D Mehrotra. Role of PRGF in sinus lift procedures: A review. JIDA
D Mehrotra, S Kumar. Quality of life after distraction osteogenesis in facial deformity patients. J Maxillofac Oral Surg.

D Mehrotra, S Kumar. Hydroxyapatite collagen condyle Vs Sterno-clavicular joint reconstruction in TMJ ankylosis, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg

Facial asymmetry
Dr. R.K. Singh
Singh RK, Naryan VS. Elongated styloid process- cause of undiagnosed facial pain. J.Stomatologica India. 2:1988
Singh RK, Mathur Lalit. Plunging Ranula. Case report ; J. Odontology Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surg.1;1990.
Singh Rk, Mathur Lait. Management of Haemophilia in Oral Surgical procedure. J. Odontology Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2;1990.
Singh RK,Pradhan R,Chabra DK. T.M. Joint Arthorgraphy - A diagnostic aid in soft tissue disorder of T.M.Joint Indian journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.7;2;1992
Singh RK, Pradhan R, Phycomycosis : a case report - Indian Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery vol. viii, 3;1993.
Singh RK, Pradhan R, Verma Rajeev. Surgical Currettages of Amelobalstoma - Indian Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery ;vol.viii,1;1993.
Pradhan R, Singh RK, Mohammad S. Bone plate osteosynthesis in infected Mandibular fractures-Indian Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Fac. Surgery vol. viii,2;1993.
Pradhan R, Singh RK, Mohammad S.Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma - Indian Journal of Oral & maxillofacial surgery- vol.viii,3; 1992.
Pradhan R, Singh Rk, Mohammad S. Osteomylitis Neonatarum - Indian Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - vol. viii,3; 1992.
Pradhan R, Mohammad S, Agrawal Mamta ,Singh Rk. TMJ Arthroscopy - A preliminary report-Indian Journal of Oral & maxillofacial Surgery vol.ix,1; 1994.
Singh Rk,Pradhan R. Multiple Myeloma presenting as a case of jaw lesion- Indian Journal of Oral & maxillofacial Surgery vol.ix,2; 1994.
Singh Rk,Pradhan R, Mohammnad S. Effect of Cephalexin and ciprofloxacin on post operative complications after surgical removal of impacted third molars. - Indian Journal of Oral & maxillofacial Surgery vol.ix,4; 1994.
Pradhan R ,Singh RK. TMJ Arthorscopy - Indian perspective - Satellite (An Official publication of the U.P. State branch of IDA), -vol. i,1; 1995.
Pradhan R, Singh RK, Mohammad S. T.M.J. Arthroscopy - diagnosis of intrarticular pathogenesi .Indian Journal of Oral & maxillofacial Surgery vol. x,1; 1995
Singh.R.K.;Pradhan.R & Singh Neeraj- Masseteric Muscle hypertrophy (MMH) - Case report & Literature review. - UP State Dental Journal - vol. 17 (4) 1999,Page 77-81.
Lone. Praveen; Pradhan.R&Singh.R.K- Surgical management of fracture of Mandibular Condyle,-UP State Dental Journal- vol 17,P-87-94, 1999
Mehrotra.D;Pradhan.R,Singh.R.K& S. Mohammad.-Use of Buccal Fat Pad for Reconstruction in Maxillofacial Surgery-Indian Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Vol-16,no1, March 2001,
US Pal,RPradhan,Shadab Mohammad, Singh RK-The Mandibular condyle as a growth centre fact or myth(Case report)- Indian journal of Maxillofacial surgery 2001,vol1,no-4.
US Pal,RPradhan,Singh RK,Shadab Mohammad. Comparative evaluation of serriatopeptidase vs Alfachymotrypsin as anti-inflammatory agent in maxillofacial trauma patients. UP State Dental Journal vol20,2002.
Distraction Osteogenesis in Maxillofacial Deformities- Indian Journal of Oral &Maxillofacial Surgery. Vol-16,no-2,June2001,p-10
Gandhi.Y; Singh .R.K.& Pal.U.S-Steroids in Maxillofacial Surgery - UP State Dental journal vol 20 ( 2002) page 15-18.
Singh.R.K.;S.Mohammad& Pradhan.R- Mandibular Fracture :Changing trends from Maxillo -mandibular fixation to Internal Fixation.- UP State Dental Journal Vol 20 ( 2002 ) page-45-53
Pal.U.S; Pradhan.R.& Singh.R.K.- Suction Irrigation in the Osteomylities of Jaws-Indian Journ.of Oral & Maxillofacial Surg. 2002 Vol 17:No3 page-106-110.
Singh.R.K.;Pradhan.R& S.Mohammad-An insight into Internal Derangements of the TM Joint - Journ. Of Oral & Maxollo-facial Surg. 2002,vol 1:No.1 page-27-30
Singh.R.K.; Pal.U.S& S.Mohammad- Sialoadenoma Papilleferum- A case report_Indian Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery- Vol ,Dec 2003
Pal.U.S;Singh.R.K.& S. Mohammad- Intra Oral Blue Nevus(Jadassohn-Tieche): a case Report-Indian Journal of Oral & Maxillo-Facial Surgery Vol3,no-1 March '2004.
Singh.R.K., S. Mohammad, Dr Praveen Akhter Lone-Panfacial trauma-Diagnostic Maze-Indian Dental Association J&K Branch Srinagar Quarterly Dental News Bulletin p-52-54,2004
US Pal,Singh RK,Shadab Mohammad,RPradhan.Bifid Condyle. Journal of Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery 2004,Vol3,no-3.
Singh.R.K.;Sharma.Pankaj;Pradhan.R.& S.Mohammad- Effect of Glucosamine Sulfate in Internal Derangement of Temporomandibular joint- A comparison with arthrocentesis- Indian Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2005
Singh.R.K.; U.S.Pal, S.Mohammad & Dr Dashmana - Treatment Modalities of Mandibular angle Fracture- Indian Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Vol-5,2,p-8 , June 2006
US Pal,SinghRK,Shadab Mohammad,Surendra Gaur. Ultrasonography as a diagnostic aids in the space infection. Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery.2006;vol5:no3.
Singh .R.K & Pal U.S-Efficacy of a combination of Chondroitin sulfate and Glucosamine sulphate in the management of Internal Derangement of T.M.Joint-Indian Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery- P-6, Vol 5,no-4,Dec 2006.
Pal U.S. ;Singh R.K.-Use of Collagen in extra Oral Wounds- Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Vol-8, p261-264,sept 2009
Singh R.K.;Pal US, Parveen Lone & Hari Ram- Treatment option for facial neuropathic pain -National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery Vol1,No-1 ,Dec 2009
HariRam; Singh R.K. Shadab Mohammad - Efficacy of Iliac crest Vs Medpor in Orbital floor Reconstruction.-J. Maxillofac Oral surg.Vol-9 ,page 134-141,June 2010.
Hariram; Singh R.K.- Epidemiology of midface fractures- A retrospective study of 729 patients International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine- Vol 12,no-03 Jan-Mar 2010.
Sonal Mishra,Singh RK ,Shadab Mohammad, Pal US- A Comparative evaluation of decalcifiedfreeze dried bone allograft, Hydroxyapatite and their combination in osseous defects of the jaw J. Maxillofac Oral Surg.Vol9;03;july 2010.
USPal,Pooranchand,Dhiman Neeraj-Role of surgical stents in determining the position of implants. National journal of maxillofacial surgery vol1;issue 1,Jan-june 2010, 20-23.
Singh R.K., Pal US, Agrawal A- Single miniplate osteosynthesis in mandibular angle fracture. National journal of Oral & Maxillofacial surgery vol2,1;page47-50; jan2011
Shadab Mohammad,CP Diwedi,Singh RK,Vibha Singh,USPal-Buccal fat Pad versus Sandwich graft for treatment of Oroantral defects: A Comparsion. National journal of Maxillofacial Surg. vol1,issue1; Jan-June2011, P6-7.
SinghRK-Medpor versus osseous augmentation in genioplasty procedure: A comparasion.
Singh RK,Pal US,Singh MK, Sinha VP-Role of Pregabalin in posttraumatic facial neuropathic pain Case reports- National Journal of Maxfac Surg vol3;1: page 91-95 jan2012
Singh RK, Pal US, Sanjeev Das, Sharad chander - Role of 3-D plate in displaced angle fracture.-Journ Cranio Maxillofacial ,trauma & Reconstr2013 March;6(1) 25-30
VPsinha,Harsh Pradhan, Hemant Gupta,Shadab Mohammad, R K Singh - Efficacy of plain radiograph,CTscan,MRI and ultrasound in TM joint disorders.National journal of Maxillofac.Surg.vol 3;issue 1:Page 2-9 Jan 2012.
USPal,Nand Kishore Sharma,RKSingh, Shadab Mohammad,Divya Mehrotra. Direct Vs Indirect sinus lift procedure: A comparison- National journal of Maxillofac.Surg.vol 3;issue 1:Page 31-37 Jan 2012.
USPal,Shadab Mohammad,RKSingh, Vibha Singh,Nimisha Singh- KGMC incision: New approach for exposure of body of Mandible. National journal of Maxillofac.Surg.vol 3;issue1:Page99-100 Jan 2012.
Amiya Agrawal ,Divya Mehrotra, Shadab Mohammad,RKSingh,Santosh Kumar,USPal-Randomised control trial of non-vascularized fibular and iliac crest graft for mandibular reconstruction.
Us Pal,Neeraj Kr Dhiman,Geeta Singh,RKSingh,Shadab Mohammad-Evaluation of implants placed immediately or delayed into extraction sites. National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery .Vol2;issue:page54-62 Jan 2011
Singh RK,Pal US,VP Sinha,Parveen Lone. Supplemental value of topiramate in infra orbital nerve Injuries. Case report Journal of trauma & treatment.2013;(2) ,157
USPal,Nimisha Singh,Laxaman R Malkunje, Singh RK-Retrospective study of absorbable gelatine sponge soaked in triamcinalone acetonide as interpositioning material in temporomandibular joint ankylosis in 350 patients.Journal of Oral Biology& Craniofacial research vol3;2013,20-24
Bhupendra Harjani,Singh RK,Pal US. Locking versus non locking reconstruction plate inmandibular reconstruction.-Nat J Maxillofac.surg 2012 July ;3(2): 159-65
Singh RK,Sharad Chandr,USPal- matrix miniplate versus locking miniplate in the management of displaced mandibular angle fracture. Natt.J.Maxillofac.Surg 2013 July ;4(2) -225-28
Geta Singh,RKSingh,Somdipto Das- Large complex odontome of Maxilla: Report of a case and Literature Review J Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology-Jan 2015;6(1):572-74
Singh RK, Pal US,Pranshu Singh,Geeta Singh Role of fixation in post traumatic nerve injury recovery in displaced mandibular angle fracture In Press National journal of Maxillofacial Surgery Jan - Jun 2016.
Geeta Singh, Deepak Passi, Singh RK Jitendra Rao. Health Hazards due to Mercury: Dental consideration. Indian journal of Research Vol5;issue 8 : August 2016
Dr Vibha Singh
Singh Vibha, Pradhan R. Reconstruction of orbital floor with acrylic prothesis .a study Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery .VOL 14 .NO 3 September 1999.
Singh Vibha, Mohammad Shadab, Pradhan R. Malignant Melanoma a Case report . Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery Vol2 No 1 March 2003.
Singh Vibha , Mohammad Shadab, Pradhan R. Gorlin syndrome A Case report Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Vol 3 No2 June 2003.
Singh Vibha , Mohammad Shadab, Pradhan R Gingival fibromatosis a case report. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Vol 3 No 4 December 2004 .
Singh Vibha , Mohammad Shadab, Pradhan R. Increasing incidences of tuberculosis in oral and maxillofacial region. Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery Vol 3 No 3 September 2004.
Singh Vibha , ,Mohammad Shadab, Pradhan R. ,Mandibular hyperplasia two case reports Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Vol 4,No2 2005
Singh Vibha, Mohammad Shadab , Goel .M. Thyroid carcinoma metastatic to mandible a case report. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryVol 5 Number1 March 2006.
Singh Vibha ,Mohammad Shadab,Singh Gourav. Coparision of extraoral vs intraoral distractor in mandibular defeciences.Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery vol 5 number 1 March 2006.
Singh Vibha ,Mohd.Shadab, Singh Gourav.Management of ankylosis and post ankylotic deformities a simultanous procedure..Journal of oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Vol 5 Number 2 2006.
Mohd Shadab,Singh Vibha ,Anand Gupta Combination of microplates and miniplates in fracture mandible.Journal of Maxillofacial and oral Surgery.Vol 5 Number 4 December 2006.
Mohd Shadab,Singh Vibha ,HariRam ,Anand Gupta ,Satish Dhasamana, Central Giant Cell Granuloma of the jaws.A review of 10 cases,.Journal of International college of Dentist. Vol 53 No 3. 2007.
Singh Vibha ,Hari Ram ,Shadab Mohammad ,Plexiform Schwanoma in oral cavity A rare entity Journal of Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgry. Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery Vol 6 Number 1 March 2007.
Singh Vibha ,Mohd.Shadab TMJ ankylosis A Study.Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery Vol 6 Number 2 June2007.
Singh Vibha ,Mohd Shadab, Singh Gourav Impacted bilateral mandibular distomolars A case repot..Journal of Indian Dental Association.VOL 1,No 10,October Oct 2007.
Singh Vibha ,Mohd Shadab, Ameloblastic fibroma or dentigerous cyst an illusion journal of Indian Dental Association Vol 2,No7,July 2007.
Vibha Singh ,Rime Ngulom Shadab Mohammad. Dry socket a comparative study of various treatment modalities. Journal of the Indian Dental Association -Vol 2 No 12 December 2008
Vibha Singh, Shadab Mohammad Maxillofacial trauma A 6 years retrospective study . Journal of Indian Dental Association Vol 3, No 1 Jan 2009.
Promila Verma,Vibha Singh ,Anil Chandra. Effect of systemic complications . Journal of Indian Dental Association Feb 2009.
Vibha Singh ,Shadab Mohammad , Atul singh ,Chandra Dhar Dwivedi.
A comparative study of mandibular osteosynthesis using 3-d plates and miniplates. Journal of Indian Dental Association Vol 3,No 3, March 2009.
Vibha Singh, Rangila Ram ,Shadab Mohammad.
Bio resorable plates in facial trauma An Experience. National Journal of Maxillo Facial Surgery.Vol 1number 1,December 2009.
Satish Dhasmana, Vibha Singh ,Pal US , The combined analgesic effect of Gabapentin and transdermal Fentanyl patch on acute and chronic pain after maxillary cancer surgeries. Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery Vol 8,Number1,March 2009.
Vibha Singh. Management of TMJ ankylosis and facial deformities a simultaneous procedure Abstract- in International journal of Oral and Maxillo Facial Journal ,Vol 38,Number 5,may 2009.
Vibha Singh ,Shadab Mohd ,Satish Dhasmana. Spontanous regeneration of bone after resection of mandible in case of ossifying fibroma -A Case Report.
National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery Vol 1number 1 December 2009
Satish Dhasmana, Vibha Singh ,Pal US, MP Khan ,PN Gupta Dexamethasone Facilitates Early Discharge after out patient Dental Implant Surgery under intravenous conscious Sedation..NJMax.Fac Surg .Vol (1) Dec (2009).
Hari Ram,Vibha Singh , Chandra Dhar Dwivedi ,Extraction of Ectopically Placed molar in Maxillary Sinus ,Cause of Facial Pain. - a rare .Case Report .Cusp, July -Dec 2009
Satish Dhasmana, Vibha Singh , Shadab Mohmmad,Pal US .Temporomandibular joint ankylosis interposition gap arthoplasty under (IV)conscious sedation Journal of Maxillofacial surgery and Oral Surgery .Vol 8,number 4,Dec 2009.
Vibha Singh, Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour A case Report. Indian Dentist Research and Review Vol 4 Issue 6 January 2010.ISSN 0973-7499.
Vibha Singh ,Satish Dhasmana ,,Shadab Mohammad Clinico pathological study and treatment outcome of 40 cases of Ameloblastoma -A seven years Retrospective Report.Word Article in Ear ,Nose and Throat WAENT. ORG/ARCHIVES2010/Vol13-2/2010061-ameloblastoma .
Vibha Singh ,Satish Dhasmana, Shadab Mohammad ,Nimisha Singh, The odontomes Report of Five cases. National Journal of maxillofacial surgery Vol 1,Issue 2 Jul -Dec 2010.157-160.
Vibha Singh Odontogenic space infection -Analysis of 100 patients WAENT May 19 2011.Vol 4-1
Satish Dhasamana ,Vibha Singh, U.S.Pal. Continous ropivacaine infusion vs transdermal Fentanyl post operative analgesia following temporomandibular joint interpositional gap arthoplasty National Journal of maxillofacial surgery Vol 1,Issue 2 Jul -.112-116 Dec 2010
Shadab Mohammad ,Chandra Dhar Dwivedi, R.K.Singh ,Vibha Singh. Medpore versus osseous augmentation in genioplasty procedure A comparison. National Journal of maxillofacial surgery Vol 1,Issue 2 Jan l -June 2010 1-5.
Ajay Singh, Neeraj Kumar ,Vibha Singh ,S.K.Singh Transitional prosthesis for a dentulous hemi maxillectomy patients National Journal of maxillofacial surgery.. .Vol 1,Issue 2 Jul -Dec 2010.173 175.
Satish Dhasmana ,Vibha Singh ,U S Pal Awake blind nasotracheal intubation in temporomandibular joint ankylosis patient under conscious sedation using Fentanyle and Medazolam.Juornal of maxillofacial and Oral Surgery Published on line 17 th March 2011.
Mohit Agrwal,Shadab Mohammad ,Rakesh Kumar Singh ,Vibha Singh Post operative Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Bite force in 2 mm locking plate versus 2 mm standard plates in treatment of Mandibular fractures JOral Maxillofac Surg 69, Published on line 27 Jan 2011. (JOMS)American Association of Maxillofacial Surgery.
Vibha Singh , Chandhar Dwivedi , Laxman Malkunje Intra lesional triamcinolone injections for central giant cell granuloma . . Guident Vol 4, Issue 7 June 2011.
Vibha Singh ,SatishDhasmana . Osteomylitis of Mandibular condyle secondary to Dental Extraction Guident Vol 4, Issiue 4 March 2011.
Vibha Singh ,SatishDhasmana Aneurysmal bone cyst reports of 4 The Antiseptic Vol 181,No 12 ,Issue 2,Dec 2012 ISSN 0003-5998 Indexed in IndMED.
Vibha Singh,,Narendra Singh ,USPal ,Satish Dhasmana , Shadab Mohammad Cilinical evaluation of Cissus Quadringularis , Moringa Olefera and Osteoseal in mandibular fractures. National Journal of Maxillofacial surgery Vol 2 issue 2,132-136 Jul -Dec 2011.
Vibha Singh ,Shalini Gupta ,Laxman Malkunje , Intraossoues Dermoid Cyst a rare case report. Open Journal of Stomatology, 2012, 2, 149-152 OJSTdoi:10.4236/ojst.2012.22027 Published Online June 2012 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/ojst/)
Vibha Singh, Calotropis boon or bane Open Journal of Stomatology, 2012, 2, 149-152 OJST doi:10.4236/ojst.2012.22027 Published Online June 2012 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/ojst/)
Vibha Singh &N singh .Effect of clear skin in wound healing of traumatic infection of the face. International institute of Herbal Medicine News letter .Vol 1,No 4,Oct -Dec 2011, 4
Role of Herbal osteogenic agent in mandibular fracture - Abstract PhytoPharma 2012.
Singh Vibha , Shadab mohammad ,Singh Nimisha Herbs and Surgery- National journal of Maxillofacial surgery.vol 3/Issue 1/JAN 2012.
US Pal, Shadab Mohammad R.K.Singh ,Vibha Singh et a.KGMC incision New approach for exposure of body of mandible National journal of maxillofacial surgery Vol 3,issue 1/Jan 2012. f oral and maxillofacial surgery 06/20/2,70(8)1903-8.impact fact=1.58.
Anand Gupta, Vibha Singh ,Shadab Mohammad Bite force evaluation of mandibular fracture treated with microplates and miniplates , Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery (American journal o
Vibha Singh, Somdipto Das ,Nand Kishore Iodoform boon in disguise Open journal of Stomatology .2012,2,322-325.
Vibha Singh, R.Pradhan ,K. Alex, Shadab Mohammad Comparison of Various technique of impacted third molar A Study European Journal of General Dentistry.Vol 2/Issue 1/January -April 2013.
Tripathi Suchi , Vibha Singh , Proshtodontic rehabilitation of progressive scleroderma patien. International Journal of Stomatology and Occlusal Medicine.J.Stomat.Occ.Med (2013)6:22-25
Gupta S, Tandon A, Singh V, Gupta OP. Trabecular Juvenile Ossifying Fibroma: A rare presentation. �Asian journal of Oral Health and Allied Sciences.� 2011: 1(3): 224-227.
Vimlesh Kumar a,*, Divya Mehrotra , Shadab Mohammad, R.K. Singh , Vibha Singh ,Geeta Singh , Sanjay Gambhir Anchor lag screw Vs conventional lag screw in mandibular fracture A series of 30 cases. Journal of Oral biology and craniofacial research Jan -April 2013,Vol 3.Issue 1.
Vibha singh, Laxman Malkunje,Shadab Mohammad ,Satish Dhasamana,Nimisha Singh The maxillofacial surgery A study -.National journal of Maxillofacial surgery .Vol 3 issue 2 Jul-Dec 2012.
Sub lingual piroxicam in the management of post operative pain after surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molar .Indian Journal of Dental Research 23,(6),2012.
Modified Neutral Zone Technique for the Partial Mandibulectomy patient. . (JPJ336090313) has been submitted by Dr. shuchi tripathi to International Journal of Prosthodontics & Restorative Dentistry.
Mahesh Pal,Vibha Singh ,Jyotshna Agrawal,Sri Kishan Tewari andQuinShiZhao Chemical composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Essential oil of Viburnummbeticlifolium.Journal of Medical Sciences.
Vibha Singh Conservative Management of odontogenic keratocyst A study . European journal of general dentistry.
Tripathi Suchi , Vibha Singh , Modified Neutral Zone Technique for the Partial Mandibulectomy patient. . (JPJ336090313) .International Journal of Prosthodontics & Restorative Dentistry.
Mahesh Pal,Vibha Singh ,Jyotshna Agrawal,Sri Kishan Tewari andQuinShiZhao Chemical composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Essential oil of Viburnummbeticlifolium.JMS(Journal of Medical Sciences.)13(1)72-75 jan 2013
Vibha Singh, Mahesh Pal1, Shalini Gupta2, S. K. Tiwari1,
Laxman Malkunje, Somdipto Das.Turmeric a new treatment option in lichen plate National journal of maxillofacial surgery National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery | Vol 4 | Issue 2 | Jul-Dec 2013 | 198.
N Singh, *V Singh, G Mehta effect of nutritional supplements on oral sub mucous
fibrosis-a pilot study International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research 2013; 1(2):61-66,.P-ISSN 2347-2189, E- ISSN 2347-4971.
P Verma ,B.R.Pandey V Singh Organic poly herbal intervention in treatment of oral cancer A clinical Study IJPBSVOL 3ISSUE 2Apr-Jun 2013/523-356.
N singh ,Vsingh ,R.K..Singh Osteogenic potential of cissus quandrigularis assessed with osteopontin expression .NJMS Vol 3,Issue 1Jan-Jun 2013.
V.Singh ,US Pal , Nikita Soni Honey a sweet approach for management of dry socket ,National journal of maxillofacial surgery (National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery | Vol 5 | Issue 1 | Jan-Jun 2014)
N singh ,Vsingh .Agressive fibromatosis of mandible case report and literature review. publication International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research 2014; 2(1):12-16,.P-ISSN 2347-2189, E- ISSN 2347-4971.
VSingh,S Mohhamad ,A.B Pant ,C.S.Saimbi Therapeutic Interventions in Oral Sub-Mucous Fibrosis: An Experimental and Clinical study J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.
DOI 10.1007/s12663-014-0642-
S.Das ,SMohammad,Vibha Singh ,Shalini Gupta Neodymium :Yatrium aluminium garnet laser in the management of oral leukoplakia -Acase series Contemporary Clinical Dentistry March 2015/Vol 6/Supplement 1.
Vibha Singh Vajradant -Tradanitional to modern era .www.ijsir.co.in
International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research 2015; 3(1) : 12-16,
P-ISSN 2347-2189, E- ISSN 2347-4971.
Vibha Singh ,Nimisha Singh , Gagan Mehta , Pranshu Singh Coronoid process osteomytitis Antiseptic Aug 2015. .(Indexed in INDIMED ).
Vibha�Singh, Shadab�Mohammad, A.�P.�Pant, C.�S.�Saimbi & Ritesh�Srivastava Therapeutic Interventions in Oral Submucous Fibrosis: An Experimental and Clinical Study Jour Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, Vol. 14, Issue 2 -, May , 2015.
Satish�Dhasmana, Vibha�Singh & Uma�Shankar�Pal
.Nebulisation Versus Spray-as-You-Go Airway Topical Anaesthesia in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis using 2�% Lignocaine comparative Study PaperJournal Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, Vol. 14, Issue 2 , May 30, 2015
Satish�Chandra�Dhasmana, Mahendra�Pal, Vinita�Singh, Vibha�Singh, Uma�Shankar�Pal & Gyan�Prakash�Singh Erratum to: Nasotracheal Fiberoptic Intubation: Patient Comfort, Intubating Conditions and Hemodynamic Stability During Conscious Sedation with Different Doses of Dexmedetomidine.Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, Vol. 14, Issue 2 -
, May 2015
.NSingh,VSingh Gagan Mehta ,Pranshu Singh Primary chronic osteomylitis of coronoid of mandible The antiseptic,Vol 112, No 8 Aug 2015 Page 38-41.(Indexed in INDIMED ).
Vibha Singh Vajradanti Traditional to Modern Era International Jornal of Scientific and Innovative Research 20153(1)12-16;
Vibha Singh , Abhisek Singh ,Neha Singh Mandibular condylar hyperplasia A Case Report Antiseptic Voll113 No 9 page 22-23.Sept 2016.(Indexed in INDIMED ).
Vibha Singh , Satish Dhasamana Chandra Dhar Dwevedi Laxman R Malkunje Intralesional trimcinolone injection for cental giant cell granulaoma two case report and review of literature Antiseptic Voll113 No 9 page 22-23. Sept 2016. .(Indexed in INDIMED.
Vibha Singh .Anjani Pathak, Mahesh Pal , Sagar Sareen Kopal Goel .Comparative evaluation of topical application of turmeric gel and 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate gel in prevention of gingivitis.National journal of maxillofacial surgery 2015 6 ,67-71.
Gagan Mehta1 Shadab Mohammad1 Hari Ram1 Vibha Singh1 Rakesh Kumar Chak2 Shiwani Garg3 Kuldeep Vishwakarma4Re-Assessment of Coronoid as a Graft for Condylar Reconstruction in TMJ Ankylosis Patients: A Prospective Study and Review Literature J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg. DOI 10.1007/s12663-016-0958-7
Accepted for publication
Bone healing plants NJMS
Honey golden liquid for health Era International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research
Effect of Honey in management of Dry Socket NJMS .
Prof. U.S. Pal
Pal U S, Pradhan R, Mohammad S, Singh R K. Mandibular condyle as growth centre: Fact or Myth: A case report. IndianJ oral and maxillofacial surgery: 2001;16 (4), 25-27.
Pal U S, Pradhan R, Mohammad S, Singh R K. Suction irrigation in osteomyelitis of the jaw. Indian J oral and maxillofacial surgery 2002; l (17)106-110.
Pal U S, Pradhan R, Mohammad S, Singh R K; Comparative evaluation of serratiopeptidase Vs alphachymotrypsin as anti-inflammatory agent in maxillofacial trauma. UP State Dental Journal: 2002: 20 (3)69-71.
Pal U S, Singh R K, Y. Gandhi. Steroids in maxillofacial surgery. UP State Dental Journal; 2002 (20)15-18.
Rishi K Bali, Pradhan R, Mohammad S, Pal U S. Use of autogenous auricular cartilage in interpositional arthroplasty in TMJ ankylosis. Indian J oral and maxillofacial surgery; 2003: 2 (1) 24-29.
Pal U S, Pradhan R, Mohammad S, Singh R K, M Goel. Intraoral Sialoadenoma Papilliferum: a rare case report and review of literature. Indian J oral and maxillofacial surgery; 2003: 2 (2):37-39.
Pal U S, Mohammad S, Singh R K; Intraoral blue nevus (Jadassohn-Tieche) A case report. Indian J oral and maxillofacial surgery; 2004: 3 (1):10-11.
Pal U S, Singh R K, Mohammad S, Pradhan R. Bifid condyle. Indian J oral and maxillofacial surgery; 2004: 3 (3)8-9.
Singh R K, Pal U S, Mohammad S, Dashmana S. Treatment modalities of mandibular angle fracture. Indian J oral and maxillofacial surgery; 2006: 5 (2):8-12.
Singh R K, Pal U S; Efficacy of a combination of chondroitin sulphate and glucosamine sulphate in the management of internal derangement of TMJ. Indian J oral and maxillofacial surgery: 2006: 5 (4):6-10.
Pal U S, Singh R K, Mohammad S, Gaur S, Dhasmana S; Ultrasonography: as a diagnostic aids in the space infection. Indian J maxillofacial and oral surgery 2006; 5 (6) 8-12.
Dhasmana S, Singh V, Pal U S, Khan M P, Gupta P. Dexamethasone facilitates early discharge after Outpatient dental implant surgery under intravenous conscious sedation. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2009: 1(1):11-33.
Chand P, Patel C, Pal U S, Ram H, Singh BP. Improving prosthetic prognosis and life expectancy for patients with intra-oral carcinoma- A case report. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2009: 1(1):21-23.
Sabir M, Saimbi CS, Pal US, Singh RK. Evaluate the effects of implant on alveolar crest. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2009: 1(1):26-30.
Singh RK, Pal US, Lone PA, Agarwal A. Treatment option for facial neuropathic pain. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2009: 1(1):61-63.
Pal U S, Singh R K, Yadav R K. Use of collagen in extraoral wounds. Indian J Maxillofac Oral Surg; 2009: 8 (3): 265-268.
Dhasmana S, Singh V, Mohammad S, Pal US. Temporomandibular joint interpositional gap arthroplasty under intravenous (i.v.) conscious sedation. Indian J Maxillofac Oral Surg; 2009: 8 (4): 372-374.
Dhasmana S, Singh V, Pal US. The combined analgesic effect of gabapentin and transdermal fentanyl patch on acute and chronic pain after maxillary cancer surgeries. Indian J Maxillofac Oral Surg; 2009: 8(1):55-59.
Ram H, Kumar S, Pal US, Mohammad S, Dhiman NK. Tubercular osteomyelitis of mandible: A case Report. U P state dental journal; 2009: 27(1-2):9-12.
Talwar N, Singh BP, Chand P, Pal U S; Use of diagnostic and surgical stent: A simplified approach for implant placement. Indian J Prosthodont Soc; 2010: 10(4):234-9.
Mishra S, Singh RK, Mohammad S, Pradhan R, Pal US. A Comparative Evaluation of Decalcified Freeze Dried Bone Allograft, Hydroxyapatite and Their Combination in Osseous Defects of the Jaws. Indian J Maxillofac Oral Surg; 2010: 9(3):236-240.
Mohammad S, Dwivedi CD, Singh RK, Singh V, Pal US. Medpore Verses osseous augmentation in genioplasty procedure: A comparision. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2010: 1(1):1-5.
Pal US, Chand P, Dhiman N K, Singh RK, Kumar V. Role of surgical stents in determining the position of implants. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2010: 1(1):20-23.
Faisal M, Ali I, Pal US, Bannerjee K; Bifid mandibular condyle: Report of two cases of varied etiology. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2010: 1(1):78-80.
Chandra R, Bains R, Loomba K, Pal US, Ram H, Bains VK. Endosseous dental implant vis-a-vis conservative management: Is it a dilemma? Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2010: 1(1):26-29.
Hariram, Pal US, Mohammad S, Singh RK, Singh G, Malkunje LR. Buccal fat pad versus sandwich graft for treatment of oroantral defects: A comparison. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2010: 1(1):6-14.
Dhasmana S, Singh V, Pal US; Continuous ropivacaine infusion vs transdermal fentanyl for providing postoperative analgesia following temporomandibular joint interpositional gap arthroplasty. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2010: 1(2):112-116.
Dhasmana S, Singh V, Pal US. Awake Blind Nasotracheal Intubation in Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis Patients under Conscious Sedation Using Fentanyl and Midazolam. Indian J Maxillofac Oral Surg; 2010: 9(4):377-381.
Singh RK, Pal US, Agrawal A, Singh G. Single miniplate osteosynthesis in angle fracture. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2011: 2(1):47-50.
Chaudhary Z, Sangwan V, Pal US, Sharma P. Unicystic ameloblastoma: A diagnostic dilemma. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2011: 2(1):89-92.
Pal US, Dhiman NK, Singh G, Singh RK, Mohammad S, Malkunje LR. Evaluation of implants placed immediately or delayed into extraction sites. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2011: 2(1):54-62.
Singh V, Singh N, Pal US, Dhasmana S, Mohammad S, Singh N. Clinical evaluation of cissus quadrangularis and moringa oleifera and osteoseal as osteogenic agents in mandibular fracture. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2011: 2(2):132-136.
Sharma S, Gupta DS, Pal US, Jurel SK; Etiological factors of temporomandibular joint disorders. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2011: 2(2):116-119.
Singh G, Mohammad S, Pal US, Hariram, Malkunje LR, Singh N. Pediatric facial injuries: It's management. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2011: 2(2):156-162.
Agrawal A, Mehrotra D, Mohammad S, Singh RK, Kumar S, Pal US. Randomized control trial of non-vascularised fibular and iliac crest graft for mandibular reconstruction. Journal of oral biology and craniofacial research; 2012: 2 (2): 90-96.
Pal US, Gupta C, Chellappa AAL. Crouzon syndrome with primary optic nerve atrophy and normal brain functions: A case report. J oral biol and craniofacial res; 2012: 2 (2): 116-118.
Talwar N, Chand P, Singh BP, Rao J, Pal US, Ram H. Evaluation of the efficacy of a prosthodontic stent in determining the position of dental implants. J Prosthodont; 2012: 21(1):42-47.
Pal U S, Sharma NK, Singh RK, Mahammad S, Mehrotra D, Singh N, Mandhyan D. Direct vs. indirect sinus lift procedure: A comparison. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2012: 2 (1):31-37.
Gandhi YR, Pal U S, Singh N. Neuralgia-inducing cavitational osteonecrosis in a patient seeking dental implants. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2012: 2 (1):84-86.
Agrawal A, Mehrotra D, Mohammad S, Singh RK, S.Kumar, Pal U S. Randomized control trial of non-vascularized fibular and iliac crest graft for mandibular reconstruction, Journal of Oral Biology and craniofacial research; 2012: 2 (2): 90-96.
Pal US, Singh N, Malkunje LR, Singh RK. Retrospective study of absorbable gelatin sponge soaked in triamicinolone acetonide as interposioning material in temporomandibular joint ankylosis in 350 patients. J Oral Biol and craniofacial res; 2013:20-24.
Gupta VK, Mehrotra D, Malhotra S, Kumar S, Agarwal GG, Pal US. An epidemiological study o ftemporomandibular joint ankylosis. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2012: 3: 25-30.
Pal US, Mohammad S, Singh RK, Singh V, Singh N, Malkunje LR. KGMC incision: New approach for exposure of body of mandible. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2012: 1(3):99-100.
Pal US, Singh N, Malkunje LR, Singh RK, Gupta C, Chand S. Correction of post ankylotic facial asymmetry with bimaxillary distraction osteogenesis Case report. Open Journal of Stomatology; 2012: 2: 255-259.
Pal US, Singh RK, Dhasmana S, Das S, Das SK. Use of 3 D plate in displaced angle fracture of mandible. Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstruction, 15 Jan 2013.
Pal US, Singh N, Singh RK, Mohammad S, Malkunje LR, Loan PA. Evaluation of stability of immediately placed implants in infected sockets. Euro J of General Dentistry; 2013: 2 (1) 46-49.
Pal US, Mishra N. Placement of implants in an ossifying fibroma defect obliterated with demineralized, freeze-dried bone allograft and Plasma-rich growth factor. Contemporary clinical dentistry; 2013: 3 (4): 471-475.
Pal US, Singh N, Malkunje LR, Yadav RK, Singh M. Autogenous Tooth Transplantation: A report of Ten cases & review of literature. Indian J Restorative Dentistry; 2012: 1 (1): 44-48.
Singh RK, Pal US, Sinha VP, Lone PA. Supplemental Value of Topiramate in Infra Orbital Nerve Injury-Case Reports. J Trauma Treat; 2013: 2: 157.
Pal US. Sign & symptom of Oral c ancer. Indian Cancer Society news letter, vol 1 no. 2 feb 2013.
Pal US, Mohammad S, Singh RK, Das S, Singh N, Singh M, Platelet-rich growth factor in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2012: 2(3):118-123.
Harjani B, Singh RK, Pal U S, Singh G. Locking v/s non-locking reconstruction plates in mandibular reconstruction. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2012: 2(3):159-165.
Showkatbakhsh R, Ghassemi A, Gerressen M, Ghassemi M, Jamilian A, Mohammad S, Pal US. Bone remodeling to correct maxillary deficiency after growth cessation. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2012: 2(3):202-206.
Lone P A, Singh R K, Pal U S. Treatment of traumatic infra orbital nerve paresthesia. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2012: 2(3):218-219.
Passi D. Pal US, Mohammad S, Singh RK, Mehrotra D, Singh G, Kumar M, Chellaapa AAL, Gupta C. Laser vs bur for bone cutting in impacted mandibular third molar surgery: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Oral Biology and craniof; 2013.
U.S.Pal, Singh N, Kumar S, Singh RK, Malkunje LR. Giant Cemento-ossifying Fibroma- A Case Report and Review of Literature. Open Journal of Stromatology; 2012: 2; 362-365.
Singh RK, Sinha VP, Pal US, Yadav SC, Singh MK. Pregabalin in post traumatic neuropathic pain: Case studies. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2012: 3(1) 91.
Singh SK, Goel K, Mishra N, Chand P, Pal US, Tripathi S. A simplified approach for the rehabilitation of an auricular defect: A case report. Prosthet Orthot Int; 2013.
Singh RK, Chand S, Pal US, Das SK, Sinha VP. Matrix miniplate versus locking miniplate in the management of displaced mandibular angle fractures. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2013: 4: 225-228.
Pal US, Singh BP, Verma V. Comparative evaluation of zinc oxide eugenol versus gelatin sponge soaked in plasma rich in growth factor in the treatment of dry socket: An initial study. Contemporary clinical dentistry; 2013: 4 (1) 37.
Singh N, Singh V, Singh RK, Pant AB, Pal US. Osteogenic potential of cissus qudrangularis assessed with osteopontin expression. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2013: 4 (1) 52.
Verma R, Junewar V, Singh RK, Ram H, Pal US. Bilateral cavernous sinus thrombosis and facial palsy as complication of dental abscess. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2013: 4: 252-5.
Sharma R, Krishnan S, PalUS. Median facial dysplasia: A rare craniofacial syndrome and the surgical management of associated cleft lip. Mahesh Verma. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2013: 4(1): 84-86.
Singh N, Pal US, Mohammad S, Singh RK, Mehta G, Makadia HS. Unilateral temporomandibular joint ankylosis with contralateral aplaia. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2013: 4: 256-9.
Singh V, Pal US, Singh R, Soni N. Honey a sweet approach to alveolar osteritis: A case study. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2014: 5: 31-34.
Mohammad S, Pal US, Pradhan R, Singh N. Herbal remedies for mandibular fracture healing. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2014: 5: 35-38.
Chaurasia A, Sukriti, Patil R, Nagar A, Pal US. Complex odontoma associated with an impacted mandibular 3rd molar: A Case Report, EURO RAD, 2014; Case 11761.
Pal US, Kumar L, Mehta G, Singh N, Singh G, Singh M, Yadav HK. Trends in management of myofacial pain. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2014: 5 (2): 109-115.
Pal US. Platelet-rich plasma in periodontal defect treatment after extraction of impacted mandibular third molars: Retraction. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2014: 5 (2): 254.
Dhasmana S, Singh V, Pal US. Nebulisation Versus Spray-as-You-Go Airway Topical Anaesthesia in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis using 2% Lignocaine. Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery; 2014: 14 (2), 398-402.
Dhasmana SC, Pal M, Singh V, Singh V, Pal US, Singh GP. Erratum to: Nasotracheal Fiberoptic Intubation: Patient Comfort, Intubating Conditions and Hemodynamic Stability During Conscious Sedation with Different Doses of Dexmedetomidine. Journal of Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery; 2015: 14 (2), 519.
Krishna A, Singh RK, Singh S, Verma P, Pal US, Tiwari S. Demographic Risk Factors, Affected Anatomical Sites and Clinicopathological Profile for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a North Indian Population. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention; 2014: 15: 6755-6760.
Srivastava S, Kharbanda S, Pal US, Shah V. Applications of botulinum toxin in dentistry: A comprehensive review. Natl J Maxillofac Surg; 2015: 6: 152-9.
Dr. Geeta Singh
Singh G, Singh R.K, Das S. Large Complex Odontome Of Maxilla: Report of a case and Literature Review. Oral & maxillofacial pathology Journal. Jan-June 2015;6(1) :572-575 .Impact factor 0.227
Singh G, Passi D,Vishwakarma K, Mehta G. Unusual occurrence of TMJ Ankylosis With Dentigerous cyst - A case report .International journal of Dental case report .2014 ;4�(1):68-73
Singh G, Mohd S, Das S, Mahajan N. Autologous tooth transplantation- study report of 5 cases & Review of literature. Journal of Advanced Medical And Dental Science Research .2014;Vol.2: 140-145 Impact factor 3.0
Passi D, Singh G, Singh S, Mehta G, Dutta S, Sharma S .Advances in temporomandibulars joint reconstruction in TMJ ankylosis:our experiences and literature review. International journal of dental research.2014;2 (2) :45-49.
Passi D, Hariram, Singh G, Malkunje L . Total avulsion of mandible in maxillofacial trauma. Annals of maxillofacial surgery. Jan-june2014; 4(1):121-124 PubMed PMID-24987613
Passi D,Singh G, Mehta G, Singhal D : Unusually large submandibular epidermoid cyst : A case report, differential diagnosis and therepy. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry, Apr- june2014/vol5/issue2 :251-255. PubMed PMID 249632587
Passi D, Singh G, Malkunje L, Mehta G: Unusual occurrence of multiple Supernumery teeth in mixed dentition in a non syndromic patient, A case Entity (casereport) : International journal of Dental case report. 2014;(1):74-78.
Passi D,Singh G, Gupta c, Patra D.Verrucous carcinoma -A Diagnostic Dilemma: Case series,differencial Diagnosis.therepy and Literature Review .Journal of Advanced Medical And Dental Science Research .2014; 2(2):1-6 Impact factor 3.0
Singh G, Mohd S, Das S, Passi D, Mahajan N. Trapezoidal Condylar Plates: Report of 15 cases In the Management of Mandibular Subcondylar Fracture. Journal of Advanced Medical And Dental Science Research .Octo - Dec 2013;2: 13-18 Impact factor 3.0
Singh G, Agrawal R ,Kumar V, Passi D. Acanthomatous ameloblastoma : A case report. Journal of international Oral health. March-April2013;5(2):54-58 PubMed PMID-24155592
Singh G, Mohd S,Verma N, Das S. Intraoral pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma: A case report. Journal oral & maxillofacial pathology(OMPJ).2013;4:403-407 Impact factor 0.227.
Singh G, Mohd S,Hashmi GS, Mehta G,Vishwakarma K. Oral manifestation of Pancytopenic Patients: A case report. The cusp.2013;10(2) :49-51
Hariram, Mohd S, Singh G, Singh S V: Chondrosarcoma of the body of mandible: A case report, National Journal of Maxillofacial surgery. july 2013; 4(2):242-244. PubMed PMID-24665188, Impact factor 1.098
Kumar V, Mehrotra D, Mohd S, Singh R.K, Singh V, Singh G, et. al. Anchor lag screw vs conventional lag screw in mandible fracture: A series of 30 cases. Journal of oral biology & craniofacial research 2013; 3:15-19 PubMed PMCID: PMC3941296
Gupta C, Mehrotra D, Mohd S, Khanna V, Singh G.K., Singh G: Alveolar bone graft with platelet rich plasma in cleft alveolus. Journal of oral biology & craniofacial research. 2013; 3; 3-8 PMCID: PMC3141291
Passi D, Pal US, Mohd S, Singh R.K, Mehrotra D, Singh G, Kumar M, Gupta C et al. Laser vs bur for bone cutting in impacted mandibular third molar surgery: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of oral biology & craniofacial research. 2013,3, 57-62. 8 PMCID:PMC3141295
Singh G, Mohd S ,Chak R.K., Norden L, Singh N: Bioresorbable plates as a effective implant in paediatric mandibular fracture. Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery. 2012;14(11):400- 600 PubMed, PMID-24299930
Singh G, Mohd S,Tiwari AK,Verma N. Central Giant cell granuloma of Maxilla- A reports of six cases .Baba Sarif University of Dental Journal. 3(1):81-84.
Singh G, Mohd S, Hashmi GS, Agrawal R, Das S. Presence of accessory mental foramen: A rare anatomical variation- A case report. Cusp Aligarh U.P. July-dec 2012;9(2) :55-57.
Harjani B, Singh R.K, Pal US, Singh G, Locking versus Locking plates in mandibular reconstruction - A study ,National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery. july 2012; 3(2):159-165 PubMed, PMID-23833491, Impact factor 1.098
Shankar MN, Agrawal R, Singh G, Panday P, Kumar V. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor: A case report. Baba Farid University Dental Journal. 2012; 3:10-14
Singh G, Mohd S, Pal US, Hariram, Malkunje L,Singh N. Pediatric facial injury: Its management - A study. National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery. July- Dec.2011;2(2):156-162 PubMed, PMID-22639504 Impact factor 1.098
Singh G, Mohd S,Malkunje L,Singh N: Intraosseous Odontoma - World Journal of Dentistry. July-Sept 2011;2(3):277-279
Singh R.K, Pal US, Agrawal A Singh G: Single mini plate osteosynthesis in Angle fracture: National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery. Jan-Jun 2011;2(1):47-50 PubMed, PMID- 22442609, Impact factor 1.098
U.S.Pal ,Dheman NK, Singh G, Singh R.K, Mohd S, Malkunje L: Evaluation of implants placed immediately or delayed into extraction site : National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery. Jan-Jun 2011;2(1):54 -61. PubMed, PMID-22442611, Impact factor 1.098
Agrawal R, Mehrotra N, Hashmi G.S., Singh G, Mohd S: Oral submucous fibrosis- A comparison of study of surgical management using B/L BFP ,and combination of BFP and tongue flap. Cusp Aligarh. 2011; 8(2) :4-7.
Kohli M, Kohli Monika, Agrawal R, Singh G, Sachideva S. Periapical lesion treated with demineralized freezed dried allogenic bone implant. U.P. State Journal. 2007; 24(25):12-19
Pal US, Kumar L, Mehta G, Singh N, Singh G, Singh M, Kumar H Trends in the management of myofacial pain. National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery july-Aug.2015;5(2):131-138 . PubMed, PMID-4405950, Impact factor 1.098
Passi D, Singh G, Srivastav D,Gupta SR, Mishra S, Sharma S: Ossifying fibroma in maxilla- a distinct fibro-osseous lesion of jaw. International Journal of Dental Clinic. 2014 ;4(4):26-27
HariRam,Makadia H , Mehta G, Mohd S, , Singh R.K,Singh N, Singh G: Use of Auricular cartilage for closure of Oroantral fistula: A Prospective clinical study : J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg. Published online 12 sep 2015 PubMed,
Singh G, Passi D, Singh R.K, Kumar M, Rao J : Health Hazard due to Mercury : Dental consideration . Peripex Indian Journal of Research ,Aug. 2016 ; 5(8):391-395 Impact factor 5.215/ IC:77.65O
Department of OMFS Publications 2017-2020
Title of the Articles
Journal Details
Prof Shadab Mohammad, Head
Nigam K, Samadi FM,
S, Mohammad S,Sanyal S. Smoking and XPC Gene Polymorphism
Interact to Modulate the Risk of Oral Cancer.
Maxillofac Oral Surg 2020
Howlader D, Singh V, Mohammad S, Gupta S, Pal US, Pal M.
Effect of Topical Application of Pure Honey in
Chemo-radiation-Induced Mucositis and Its Clinical Benefits
in Improving Quality of Life in Patients of Oral Squamous
Cell Carcinoma.
J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2019;18(1):73-79
Howlader D, Ram H, Mohammad S, Singh V, Gamit J, John RS.
Surgical Management of Mandibular Subcondylar Fractures
Under Local Anesthesia: A Proposed Protocol.
Development of α-tocopherol surface-modified targeted
delivery of 5-fluorouracil-loaded poly-D,
L-lactic-co-glycolic acid nanoparticles against oral
squamous cell carcinoma.
J Cancer Res Ther. 2019;15(3):480-490.
Farooqui S, Mohammad S, Mehrotra D, Mahdi AA, Bhattacharya
S, Agarwal GG, Srivastava S. Study on Prevalence and
Sociocultural Aspects of Tobacco use in India.
Nat J Maxillofac Surg 2019; 10(2): 182�190.
Farooqui S, Mohammad S, Srivastava S, Mehrotra D,
Bhattacharya S. A Study on Metabolic, Nutritional and
Biochemical profile of tobacco users with and without Oral
precancer lesions.
J Maxillofacial Oral Surg 2020; 19(2), 269-272
Pandey R, Mehrotra D, Catapano C, Sarin R, Parmar D, Mohd
S, Chandra S Mitochondrial DNA mutations and dysfunctions
in oral carcinogenesis.
Cancer Rep Rev 2019; 3:1-15
Ram H, Kumar S, Atam I, Singh G, Mohammad S, Atam V.
Olfactory Neuroblastoma Presenting as Fibro-Osseous Lesion
of Maxillary Bone
J Current Medical Res Opin 2019; 2 (12), 402-404
Ram H, Kumar S, Mohammad S, Babu S. Massive central giant
cell granuloma of the mandible causing difficulty in speech
and mastication
J Dental Health Oral Dis Th 2019; 10 (10)
Ram H, Kumar S, Atam V, Sonkar SK, Bharti H, Mohammad S.
Cysticercosis of Masseter Muscle: A Diagnostic Dilemma
J Adv Res Med 2019
Mohammad S. Abdominal dermis fat graft vs. buccal pad of
fat graft in oral submucous fibrosis: a random clinical
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019; 48, 56
Srivastava S, Mohammad S, Gupta S, Mahdi
AA, Dixit RK, Singh V, SamadiFM. Chemoprotective effect of
nanocurcumin on 5-fluorouracil-induced-toxicity toward oral
cancer treatment
Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2018; 9(2): 160�166.
Srivastava S, Mohammad S, Pant AB, Mishra
PR,Pandey G, Gupta S, Farooqui S. Co-delivery of
5-Fluorouracil and Curcumin Nanohybrid Formulations for
Improved Chemotherapy Against Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
JMaxillofacOral Surg 2018; 17(4):597-610.
Mohammad S
, Usmani SA, Farooqui S, Srivastava S. Severity and
Prevalence of Oral Submucous Fibrosis among habitual
chewers and management of the disease through surgical
Ind JDen Res 2017, 1(1)12-13
Prof RK Singh,
Dept. of
Singh RK,
D. Effect of duloxetine in temporomandibular joint
disorders: a comparison with arthrocentesis
Natl J MaxillofacSurg, 2019; 17(3): 270�275.
Pal US, Daga D, Singh RK, Kumar L, Singh M. Comparison of
stability with two-time use of platelet-rich growth factor
versus one-time use of platelet-rich growth factor in
immediate placement of dental implant in infected socket
Nat J MaxillofacSurg 2018: 9(2)209-214
Singh RK, Pal US, Goyal P, Nischal A, Gurung TR, Daga D.
TMJ Arthrocentesis alone and in combination with duloxetine
in temporomandibular joint pain
J Maxillofacial Oral Surg 2018; 17 (3), 270-275
Gangwar S, Pal US, Singh S, Singh RK, Singh V, Kumar L.
Immediately placed dental implants in smokers with plasma
rich in growth factor versus without plasma rich growth
factor: A comparison.
Nat J MaxillofacSurg 2018;9(1) 39-47.
Daga D, Singh RK, Pal US, Gurung TR, Gangwar S. Efficacy of
oral colchicine with intralesional hyaluronidase or
triamcinolone acetonide in the Grade II oral submucous
Nat J MaxillofacSurg 2017; 8 (1), 50
Gurung TR, Singh RK, Mohammad S, Pal US, Mahdi AA, Kumar M.
Efficacy of arthrocentesis versus arthrocentesis with
sodium hyaluronic acid in temporomandibular joint
osteoarthritis: A comparison
Nat J Maxillofac Surg 2017; 8 (1), 41
Prof Divya Mehrotra
Dept. of OMFS, KGMU
Pandey R, Mehrotra D. Retinoic Acids in Oral Precancer :
Utility and Challenges.
Singh PK, Singh G, Vignesh U, Mohammad S, Singh RK,
Mehrotra D. Comparative Evaluation of Modified Tragus Edge
Approach and Retromandibular Approach to Mid- or Low-Level
Mandibular Condylar Fractures.
Dwivedi R, Pandey R, Mehrotra D, Chandra S. Apoptosis and
Genes involved in oral Cancer.
Oncol - Oncology Reviews (accepted)
Katiyar T, Yadav V, Maurya SS, Ruwali M, Singh M, Hasan F,
Pandey R, Mehrotra D, Singh S, Mishra S, Hadi R, Bhatt MLB,
Parmar D.Interaction of glutathione-s-transferase genotypes
with environmental risk factors in determining
susceptibility to head and neck cancer and treatment
response and survival outcome.
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis (Accepted)
S, Mehrotra D, Bhattacharya S. A Study on Metabolic,
Nutritional and Biochemical Profile of Tobacco Users With
and Without Oral Precancer Lesions.
J Maxillofac Oral Surg 2020; 19(2), 269-272
Trivedi S, Srivastava K, Gupta A, Saluja TS, Kumar S,
Mehrotra D, Singh SK. A quantitative method to determine
osteogenic differentiation aptness of scaffold.
J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2020; 10(2):158-160
Hasan F, Yadav V, Katiyar T, Yadav S, Pandey R, Mehrotra D,
Hadi R, Singh S, Bhatt MLB, Parmar D. Validation of gene
expression profiles of candidate genes using low density
array in peripheral blood of tobacco consuming head and
neck cancer patients and auto/taxi drivers with
preneoplastic lesions.
Genomics 2020; 112(1): 513-519
Mehrotra P, Singh N, Govil S, Pandey R, Mehrotra D.
Influence of parental authority in development of dental
fear among adolescents.
J Oral BiolCraniofac Res 2019; 9(4), 363-366
Anand V, Vignesh U, Mehrotra D, Kumar S. Evaluation of bone
formation using rh BMP7 in small maxillofacial bony defects
J Oral MaxillofacPathol 2019; 23(2)208
Pandey R, Mehrotra D, Catapano C, Sarin R, Parmar D, Mohd
S, Chandra S. Mitochondrial DNA mutations and dysfunctions
in oral carcinogenesis.
Cancer Reports and Reviews 2019;3: 1-15.
Dwivedi R, Pandey R, Mehrotra D, Chandra S, Parmar D. PRAME
pathway in oral carcinogenesis: A systematic review
Dwivedi R, Pandey R, Kumar S, Mehrotra D, Katti DS, Nandana
D, Mahajan A. Polycaprolactone as biomaterial for bone
scaffolds: Review of literature.
J Oral BiolCraniofac Res 2020; 10(1):381-88.
Dwivedi R, Pandey R, Kumar S, Mehrotra D.
Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) : Role in Bone Scaffolds
J Oral BiolCraniofac Res 2020; 10(1): 389-392.
Kumar K, Kumar S, Mehrotra D, Gupta S, Khandpur S, Mishra
RK. A psychologic assessment of parents of patients with
cleft lip and palate.
J CraniofacSurg2020; 31 (1), 58-61
Hasan F, Katiyar T, Maurya SS, Yadav V, Yadav S, Pandey R,
Mehrotra D, Hadi R, Singh S, Bhatt ML, Parmar D.
Similarities in mRNA expression of peripheral blood drug
metabolizing enzymes and cancer marker genes with biopsy
samples of head and neck cancer patients.
Biomarkers. 2019;24(6):574-583.
Bhave SM, Mehrotra D, Singh P, Shukla A. Extensive
temporomandibular joint ankylosis involving medial
pterygoid plates and the maxillary tuberosity- a case
J Oral BiolCraniofac Res 2019; 9(3), 218-221.
Agarwal P, Mehrotra D. Mandibular ramus fractures: A
proposed classification.
Khanna R, Mehrotra D. The roadmap for quality improvement
from Traditional through Competency Based (CBE) towards
Outcome based Education (OBE) in Dentistry.
J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2019; 9 (2), 139-142
Farooqui S, Mohammad S, Mehrotra D, Mahdi AA, Bhattacharya
S, Agarwal GG, Srivastava S. Study on prevalence and
sociocultural aspects of tobacco use in India.
Kumar K, Kumar S, Mehrotra D, Tiwari SC, Kumar V, Dwivedi
RC. Reliability and psychometric validity of Hindi version
of Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21) for
Hindi speaking Head Neck Cancer and Oral Potentially
Malignant Disorders Patients.
J Cancer Res Ther 2019;15:653-658.
Vignesh U,
Mehrotra D
, Howlader D, Singh PK, Gupta S. Patient Specific Implant
for Reconstruction of complex mandibular defect.
J CraniofacSurg 2019, 30(4), e308-e311
Vignesh U, Mehrotra D, Howlader D, Kumar S, Anand V. Bone
Marrow Aspirate in Cystic Maxillofacial Bony Defects: Pilot
J CraniofacSurg 2019, 30(3), e247-e251
Singh N, Sahu DK, Tripathi RK, Mishra A, Singh SK, Chowdhry
R, Gupta S, Mehrotra D, Agarwal
P, Goel MM, Singh S, Chaturvedi A, Mishra A, Agarwal SP,
Bajpai M, Kant R, Bhatt ML. Characterization of oral
squamous cell carcinoma transcriptome through long read
sequencing technology.
Cancer Research 2018; 78 (13 Supplement), 3396-3396.
Nayak S, Bhatt MLB, Goel MM, Gupta S, Mahdi AA, Mishra A, Mehrotra D. Tissue and serum
expression of TGM-3 may be prognostic marker in patients of
oral squamous cell carcinoma undergoing chemo-
PLoS ONE 2018; 13(6): e0199665.
Mehrotra D
. Quality Of Care In Dental Institutes.
J Oral BiolCraniofac Res 2018; 8 (2), 73.
Kumar K, Kumar S, Mehrotra D,
Tiwari SC, Kumar V, Khandpur S, Dwivedi RC. Prospective
evaluation of psychological burden in oral cancer patients.
Vignesh U, Mehrotra D, Bhutia DP,
Anand V, Howlader D. Three dimensional reconstruction of
late post traumatic orbital wall defects by customized
implants using CAD-CAM, 3D stereolithographic models: A
case report.
Pandey R, Chandra S, Mohammad S, Mehrotra D. Mitochondria!
Dysfunction Causes Retinoic Acid Signalling Pathway
Disturbance in Oral Precancer progression.
Am J Pathol 187 (10), 2356-2357
Yadav A, Chand S, Mohammad S, Singh RK, Pal US, Mehrotra D, Ram H. Evaluation
Following Temporomandibular Joint Arthroscopy With Lysis
And Lavage- A Pilot Non-Randomised Study.
J Evol Med Dent Sc 2017; 6 (9) 679-683
Mehrotra D
, Howlader D, Vignesh U, Bhutia DP, Pandey R, Kumar S,
Chandra T. Hydroxyapatite Collagen scaffold with autologous
bone marrow aspirate for mandibular condylar reconstruction
J Craniomaxfac Surg.2017; 45(9): 1566-1572.
Bhutia DP, Mehrotra D, Mahajan N,
Howlader D, Gamit J. Post-traumatic superolateral
dislocation of condyle: A case series of 18 condyles with
review of literature and a proposed classification.
J Oral BiolCraniofac Res 2017; 7 (2): 127-33.
Mehrotra D
, Sidebottom AJ. 99 - Management of Ankylosis of the
Temporo-mandibular Joint.
Agarwal P, Mehrotra D, Kumar S,
Pandey R, Agarwal R. Pattern of Maxillofacial Trauma in
Uttar Pradesh.
J Craniofac Trauma. 2017; 10(1): 48�55
Prof US Pal,
Dept of OMFS, KGMU
Pal US, Daga D, Singh RK, Kumar L, Singh M. Comparison of
stability with two-time use of platelet-rich growth factor
versus one-time use of platelet-rich growth factor in
immediate placement of dental implant in infected socket
Natl J MaxillofacSurg, 2018
Singh RK, Pal US, Goyal P, Nischal A, Gurung TR, Daga D.
TMJ Arthrocentesis alone and in combination with duloxetine
in temporomandibular joint pain
J Maxillofacial Oral Surg 17 (3), 270-275
Singh RK,
D. Effect of duloxetine in temporomandibular joint
disorders: a comparison with arthrocentesis
Natl J MaxillofacSurg, 2019; 17(3): 270�275.
Howlader D, Singh V, Mohammad S, Gupta S, Pal US, Pal M.
Application of Pure Honey in Chemo-radiation-Induced
Mucositis and Its Clinical Benefits in Improving Quality of
Life in Patients of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
J Maxillofac Oral Surg.
Kumar L, Yadav A, Pal US, Singh M. Study of Reduced
Salivary Secretion and Increased Caries Susceptibility in
Rheumatoid Arthritis
J Orofac Health Sc 2019 10 (1), 43-46
Gangwar S, Pal US, Singh S, Singh RK, Singh V, Kumar L.
Immediately placed dental implants in smokers with plasma
rich in growth factor versus without plasma rich in growth
factor: A comparison
Nat J MaxillofacSurg 2018; 9 (1), 39
Daga D, Singh RK, Pal US, Gurung TR, Gangwar S. Efficacy of
oral colchicine with intralesional hyaluronidase or
triamcinolone acetonide in the Grade II oral submucous
Nat J MaxillofacSurg 2017; 8 (1), 50
Gurung TR, Singh RK, Mohammad S, Pal US, Mahdi AA, Kumar M.
Efficacy of arthrocentesis versus arthrocentesis with
sodium hyaluronic acid in temporomandibular joint
osteoarthritis: A comparison
Nat J MaxillofacSurg2017; 8 (1), 41
Prof HariRam
H Ram, S Kumar, I Atam, G Singh, S Mohammad, V Atam.
Olfactory Neuroblastoma Presenting as Fibro-Osseous Lesion
of Maxillary Bone
J Curr Med Res Opin 2019; 2 (12), 402-404
H Ram, S Kumar, S Mohammad, S Babu. Massive central giant
cell granuloma of the mandible causing difficulty in speech
and mastication
J Dental Health Oral Dis Th 2019; 10 (10)
H Ram, S Kumar, I Atam, SK Sonkar, H Bharti, S Mohammad.
Cysticercosis of Masseter Muscle: A Diagnostic Dilemma
J Adv Res Med 2019
Prof. Vibha Singh,
Dept of OMFS, KGMU
Singh V. Medicinal plants and bone healing.
Natl J MaxillofacSurg 2017; 8 (1) 4-11.
Singh V, Singh G, Pal M, Tandon K.
Treatment of Lichen Planus: A Comparative StudyResearch
J Tradit Med Clin Natur 2017, 6:246
Mehta G, Mohammad S, Ram H,Singh V, Chak RK, Garg S, Vishwakarma K.
Re-Assessment of Coronoid as a Graft for Condylar
Reconstruction in TMJ Ankylosis Patients: A Prospective
Study and Literature Review.
J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2017;16(2):175-180.
Howlader D, Ram H, Mohammad S, Singh V, Gamit J, John RS.
Surgical management of mandibular subcondylar fractures
under local anaesthesia - a proposed protocol based on a
pilot study
J Oral MaxillofacSurg 2019;77(5):1040.e1-1040.e9.
An evaluation of the efficacy of ethanolic extract of
Nigella sativa (Kalonji) on the clinical parameters of
moderate to severe gingivitis: A Split mouth Clinical
An International Quarterly J Res in Ayurveda) accepted.
Singh V, Pathak AK, Goel K, Pal M.Evaluation of Topical
Application of Azadirachtaindica (Neem) in Prevention of
Gingivitis: A Randomized Control Trial
Open J Stomatol 2019, 9 (11), 249-259
Effect of Topical Application of Pure Honey in
Chemo-radiation-Induced Mucositis and Its Clinical Benefits
in Improving Quality of Life in Patients of Oral Squamous
Cell Carcinoma
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Dr Geeta Singh,
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Singh PK, Singh G, Vignesh U, Mohammad S, Singh RK,
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Singh G, Dingh PK, Khawlhring V, Gupta S. Hemangioma of the
floor of mouth extending to the submental region: A case
Int J Med Den Case Rep 2019; 6 (1), 1-3
Passi D,Singh G, Dutta
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Singh G
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Singh G, Daga D, Vignesh U, Agrawal R. Unusual location of
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Dr Amiya Agrawal, Asso Prof OMFS, KGMU
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Dr. Arunesh Kumar Tiwari
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Tiwari AK, Agrawal A, Pathak AK, Kumar S, Goel K
Repeated peripheral alcohol injection is an effective
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Tiwari A. Surgical management of Sialolithiasis with
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Title of Projects
Dr.Shadab Mohammad
Development of Nanotechnology based Drug Delivery system loaded herbal medicinal plant against Oral bacteria
Dr.Shadab Mohammad
Impact of locally consumed tobacco products for general and specific carcinogenicity and screening of patients with oral pre cancer and cancer for polymorphism in DNA base excision repair genes
Dr.Divya Mehrotra
Dr.Divya Mehrotra
Costing of Healthcare services in different states of India
Dr.Divya Mehrotra
FIST Grant
Dr.Divya Mehrotra
In vitro study on isolation characterization of human antigen presenting cells & T cells with subsequent immune activation for immunotherapy applications in oral cancer patients
Dr.US Pal
Evaluation of Social Media in screening of early diagnosis of Oral Cancer
Dr.US Pal
Clinical histopathological evaluation of ayurvedic formulations in management of OSMF
Dr.US Pal
Evaluation of Platysma Flap in the management of Oral Submucous Fibrosis
Dr.Arunesh Kumar Tiwari
Baseline Data generation of time period from admission to discharge of the admitted patients of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery as one of the quality indicators for quality control purposes – An observational Study
Research projects in last 5 years with total grant amount