Alumni Newsletter 2017 | ||||
Patient Care | ||||
During the last one-year in all 14,06,007 patients were seen in the OPD and 91,572 patients were admitted in various wards. | ||||
A 400 kilowatt Solar Power station has been established in the University as a green campus drive. This will greatly help in reduction of power bill. | ||||
HRF facility is being established in KGMU for providing high quality medicine at discounted rates. | ||||
Solar Kitchen has been started in the University Shatabdi Phase II building. Food for more than 3000 patients can be made at a time in this new modern energy efficient pollution free kitchen. | ||||
KGMU is in process of starting „Stem Cell bank‟. An initiative of department of Transfusion Medicine, this „Stem Cell Bank‟ will help in treatment of Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Anemia patients. | ||||
For the benefit of Brain Stroke patients a help line number 8887147300 has been released, this will greatly help in timely treatment of Brain Stroke patients at KGMU. | ||||
India Health Action Trust has established a Regional Resource and Training Centre at KGMU. Through this centre, KGMU will now train pediatricians and gynaecologists posted at first referral units (FRU) in the field to handle complications related to child birth. The aim of this centre is to reduce the mortality rate of Mother & Child. | ||||
The doctors of Ophthalmology department have corrected the shape of eye of patients injured in accidents by 3D printing of titanium eye orbit. | ||||
In the Eye Bank of the University 200 blind persons have been given eye sight by providing Cornea to them. | ||||
In the department of Urology, stone patients are treated with Percutaneous NephroLithotomy (PCNL) technique. PCNL is the preferred technique for treating larger kidney stones located within the kidney. It involves keyhole surgery that is performed through a 1cm incision in the skin. | ||||
For critical care services, the largest Ventilator Setup of state is being created in KGMU. For this 42 new ventilators are being established. A new 25 beded ICU unit is also being built in Shatabdi Phase-2. | ||||
“Virus Research & Diagnostic State Reference Laboratory” has started functioning in Microbiology department under Prof. Amita Jain, which was inaugurated on 9th December 2017. | ||||
Pest Control of India has been given the responsibility of pest control of wards and departments of KGMU. | ||||
In the month of September 2017, E-Hospital system has been made functional in KGMU. Initially this system has been made applicable in departments of Psychiatry and Geriatric Mental Health. All the departments will be added to this system in due course. Implemented by NIC, e-Hospital Systems is a comprehensive and integrated hospital management software, designed to, manage all aspects of hospital operations. (i.e. OPD and IPD management, Patient Registration, Doctor Appointment, Treatment given records etc.) | ||||
Burn Unit is being established in old Neurosorgery ward by connecting it to Plastic surgery department. An emergency ward is also being built in Burn Unit. | ||||
With the establishment of new Laser surgery machine in department of Plastic Surgery, now the department has three different types of Laser surgery machines. Now all types of laser surgery is possible in KGMU. | ||||
To diagnose the Genetic disorders a Genetic Lab is being built in KGMU. In this lab genetic test of embryo is possible even before the birth of child. | ||||
Doctors of KGMU in collaboration with CDRI, Lucknow have developed a new method of diagnosis of tuberculosis. With the help of this biological marker named IS6110, the diagnostic report can be made available within 2 hours. This will also help in detecting changes in genes of TB bacteria. | ||||
The details of Bed are being uploaded on network, so that it can be made available on one click. For this the Networking of all the departments has been done. | ||||
Proximal femoral Osteotomy Surgery has been started in the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. With this patients of severe arthritis are being treated without replacing the knee. | ||||
For providing the high quality medicine on reasonable rates „Amrit Pharmacy‟ medical stores have been opened in New OPD building and Shatabdi Hospital by Indian Government authorized HLL. | ||||
Through „Sita Rasoi‟ the patient‟s attendants are given free food daily for two hours. Hari Om Seva Kendra has done this arrangement for patient‟s attendants. | ||||
Research | ||||
Faculty Incharge: Prof. R. K. Garg | ||||
Co-faculty Incharge: Dr. Raghuwar D. Singh | ||||
There are 267 ongoing Research projects in 28 departments with funding from National & International funding agencies like Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, USA; JIV DAYA Foundation; UNICEF; DHR; DBT; ICMR; DST; DRDO; UPCST etc. | ||||
A total of Rs. 22.88 crores were received as extramural funding during the financial year 2016-17. Out of which Rs. 12.34 crores were received from Government Agencies; Rs. 7.33 crores received from International Agencies and Rs. 3.21 crores from Pharmaceutical companies. | ||||
During the last one year, Institutional Ethics Committee met 06 times and had reviewed 377 research proposals including National & International sponsored research projects; PG & PhD Thesis work; Intramural research Projects and Clinical Trials etc. | ||||
The University has continued its support to young faculty and students for doing research. In 2016-17 Intramural Research Projects amounting to a total of Rs. 22.55 lacs, have been sanctioned for funding to 29 faculty members, 18 resident doctors and 01 undergraduate students. | ||||
Research Cell awarded international travel fellowships to 04 faculty members in 2016-17 over and above the University Quota. | ||||
24 PhD scholars have been awarded PhD degree in last one year. 40 students have been selected for PhD program 2017. | ||||
Organized the following Research Methodology Workshops: | ||||
“Medical Writing Workshop” on 24th June 2017. | ||||
Two “Introductory Evidence Based Medicine” workshops on 17th June 2017 to familiarize the residents of this University. Participants were assessed by MCQs on EBM. | ||||
A workshop on “Plagiarism” was organized on 4th November 2017 | ||||
Organized the annual “Research Showcase 2017” on 11th November 2017. Prof. Hari Gautam, Principal Advisor, Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences & Technology, Jaipur; Ex-Chairman, UGC; Ex-Vice Chancellor, BHU, Varanasi & KGMU, Lucknow was the Chief Guest and Prof. Rakesh Kapoor, Director, SGPGIMS, Lucknow was Guest of Honour during the Research Showcase function. The following awards were given during the Research Showcase 2017: | ||||
“Prof. Dhavendra Kumar Young Investigator Gold Medal” to Dr. Balendra Pratap Singh, Department of Prosthodontics, KGMU, UP, Lucknow. | ||||
“Award for Best PhD thesis” to Dr. Monica Sankhwar, PhD Scholar 2010 batch under the guidance of Prof. S. N. Sankhwar, Head, Department of Urology | ||||
“Eminence in Research Award” to 32 Faculty members of KGMU |