The department is actively involved in teaching of undergraduates,
post-graduates of surgery and gynecology and M.Ch. program for Urology. We have made a structured
teaching program for the students and rely heavily on audio-visual aids and computers.
Undergraduate Teaching
The Undergraduates teaching program is conducted under various forms like
ward teaching, short clinics, lectures. In ward teaching the students are shown patients and how to
reach a diagnosis after history, examination and investigations. Short clinics have a structured
Post-Graduate Teaching
The department runs a formal teaching program which is conducted 3-days a week. This program includes a teaching seminar on Saturday, journal paper discussion (journal club) on Tuesday and Operative chat on Thursday. This program is run between 8 and 9 AM. The M.Ch. students maintain 'log book' about their academic program and also the operative program.
The M.Ch. students are encouraged to think independently, to develop the
habit of reading journals and be sensitive to the patients.
There is a 'resident's competency evaluation system' and a
theory test is conducted every year. The department is trying to provide more journals so that the
students have access to all available literature.
3. Nursing Teaching & Training Programme
Nursing Teaching & Training Programme to orient them in the field of
Urology for better pre, intra and postoperative care of patients is being conducted on regular
4. Ph.D. Students
The department runs a robut PhD program also. Each year students enroll in
this program that is co-ordinated by the Research Cell. A separate room with various lab facilities
exists for the PhD students who usually work on basic research topics. List Of Ph.D. Students Of
Urology from 2007 to 2023. (Download)
5. Residents Room
There is a separate resident room on this floor along
with a departmental library.
1. Departmental Library & Reading Room
Located on the first floor, close to resident's
room, there is a large Departmental Library. The faculty members have generously donated
their personal books and numerous urology journals to the library. This library houses
collection contains has 127 Medical Urology Books, 112 Miscellaneous Books, 79 editions
of Journal of Urology, 68 editions of British Journal of Urology, 65 Mis. Journal of
Urology (MJU), 61 completed thesis, 85 editions of Urology Clinics of North America
and various editions of the Campbell Walsh Urology textbook.(till July 2024)
There is a notice board is library which displays moral educational stories
under 'Personality Building Programme' for residents.
2. Endoscopic Operation Recording System
The OT Complex has a mobile endoscopic operation video recording system,
equipped with facility for editing and creating CD and DVD for video presentations in conferences.
3. Uro-surgical Information Station
A separate high-speed computer is installed in 'Doctors room' and has many
operative urology books and videos. There is a system to take digital pictures of operation and store it
in disease-wise folders for easy retrieval needed for making conference presentations.
4. Departmental Seminar Room
An air-conditioned seminar room equipped with a dedicated computer and LCD Projector, having a seating capacity of 50 people is available. All the academic activities done by M.Ch. residents are regularly stored in this computer.
5. Video Endoscopy Facility
All operations are done using video camera system for easy learning of M.Ch. Students.
6. Skill Lab
We have set up a laparoscopic training module wherein the residents can hone and improve their laparoscopic surgical skills. This skill Lab is located on the ground floor.
7. Museum
The in-house museum at urology department contains various Old Classical Urology Instruments, books, and specimens that provide a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of medical practices. These artifacts, often relics of a bygone era, narrate the story of urology’s historical progression. Books written by our predecessors and the people who laid foundation of this urology department provide insight into past. Instruments like lithotrities and cystoscopes, showcase the ingenuity of early medical minds. Specimens, such as various types of stones and pathologies of genitourinary tract, preserved for educational purposes, bridge the gap between past and present, allowing us to appreciate the strides made in understanding urological conditions. Exploring these relics illuminates the journey of urology, highlighting the perseverance of medical pioneers who paved the way for modern diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. The museum also harbours various patient information and education booklets written by older faculty of our department.